Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Veiled threat!

I'm getting sick of all the crap floating about the UK in regards to women wearing veils, sorry but if I want to talk to someone I would like to see more than a pair of eyes its a simple matter of trust, hell I have to take my helmet of in a good few petrol stations just to get served, if I decided to say it was against my religious beliefs wouldnt they let me leave it on? I don't think so.

The distrust in the UK from the public and our Muslim counterparts is at an all time high, will hiding behind a mask help to alleviate some of that distrust? will it fuck why do they feel it right they should hide, they sit and whine they are outcasts from the mainstay of society here but set about building the divisions that will ensure they remain outcasts. The idea of moving to another country for a better life is fit in with that country, not try and turn it into another fucking version of your homeland, if you want it that bad then why the hell leave it in the first place.

Don't come here to escape persecution or whatever and decide your going to persecute me and mine simply because I don't follow whatever sodding god you believe in (I have no religion thank you very much and that's the way its going to stay so stop trying to ram it down my throat) its just not going to happen, should you wish to live peacefully within the safety of this country then do just that, live peacefully and stop thinking its clever to strap a bomb to yourselves!


Blogger Morbid said...

I cant keep my mouth shut for long, you know me ;)

2:25 pm  

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