Thursday, October 19, 2006

And where are your little darlings tonight?

Would they happen to have come home last night with a nose spread across their face in Liverpool? I suggest you ask them how they came about the bloody nose. Trying to take the keys of a biker in full gear was not wise, getting a head butt with someone wearing a crash helmet must hurt. Tell the toe rag should he decide to try it again he may well end up a lot worse off.

I have kids, I know where they are at any given time, they know right from wrong, should the police knock on my door with my son who was sporting any injury due to him trying a criminal act he would be sporting another from me. I will not be screaming victimisation, asking the one who hit my son be prosecuted, in fact I would ask for his details so my son could go and apologise.

Take responsibility for your offspring, don't think its the schools job to teach them all they need to know, as a parent you have a duty not only to your children but to the rest of society to ensure your family act within the bounds of the law. If you just cant be arse or are nothing but a breeding factory (you know the type, keep having kids because their giro grows in ratio and think the rest of us should look after them and their spawn) then you should be the one slapped stupid.

At some point in this country people are going to get that pissed off with what is going on they will decide the law cannot deliver the justice required and will take it on themselves to ensure your little scroats get what they need in re-educating. I for one will be at the front of the queue with my baseball bat in hand.


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