Monday, October 23, 2006

Religion, you can shove it!

Why? I have yet to find the answer to the question as to why we need religion, if it was a business it would have gone bust years ago and the Pope would be inside on a charge of corporate manslaughter. I think the only thing that keeps it going is so the blue rinse brigade have something to do on Sunday mornings.

If ever there was something we could do without it has to be religion, it has caused more wars than it ever resolved, it has killed more people than it ever managed to save. We have one sect deciding it wants to kill another simply because it believes in something different. It harbours some of the most perverse degenerates society seems to spawn, the Christians have more paedophiles hidden within its cloisters than we have banged up in prison, do you have to train as a kiddy fiddler to get in or something. And before the Muslims get all fucking high and mighty they have a prophet they are willing to die for who thought it was OK to marry a six year old girl, this is the man you follow, who you hold in high esteem? A paedophile? You can tart it up as much as you want but should I come across any man who thinks its OK to mess with a six year old he would be missing vital parts of his anatomy that would quench his desire to sleep with a six year old.

Nothing but insurance salesmen all of them, regardless of what creed they try and foist on us, believe in what I tell you and you will get into my heaven, don't and you shall go to my hell, oh and while your at it you should bestow all your worldly goods to us! Have we not progressed enough that we no longer need the crutch of a worthless faith? If religion never existed and someone tried to introduced it now he would be locked up next to David Ike as a complete nutter so why do accept the complete crap now?

What I see and feel I can believe in, what I can prove I can believe in, what someone espouses as the truth without a shred of evidence I cannot and will not believe in, the church, the temples, the mosques and whatever else people pray in have too much say in how the world is run, the sooner we get to burning the lot down the better.


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